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The Alabaster Jar ~ Giving All to Jesus.

"Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes, all my own desires and hopes, and accept Your will for my life.  I give myself, my life, my all utterly to You to be Yours forever.  Fill me and seal me with Your Holy Spirit.  Use me as You want, send me where You want, work out Your whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever." (Betty Scott Stam)

Years ago I stumbled upon this prayer as I read the amazing story of John and Betty Stam. As a missionary to China, Betty watched as her husband was killed by Communists and then she herself was killed. I read of this woman of great faith who gave Jesus her all, consecrating all to Him, at all costs. Most of us have not suffered on the mission field as she did but suffering is defined simply as "not getting what we think we should have". As we see her life and read her prayer we are given a beautiful example of a life that gave all to Jesus and we learn what it means to give ourselves fully to Him. I am always encouraged as I read her prayer often that is written in my Bible, being reminded of the heavenly perspective of a life lived for God.

"The year 1934. Americans John and Betty Stam were serving as missionaries in China. One morning Betty was bathing her three-month-old daughter Helen Priscilla Stam when Tsingteh's city magistrate appeared. Communist forces were near, he warned, and urged the Stams to flee.

So John Stam went out to investigate the situation for himself. He received conflicting reports. Taking no chances, he arranged for Betty and the baby to be escorted away to safety if need be. But before the Stams could make their break, the Communists were inside the city. By little-known paths, they had streamed over the mountains behind government troops. Now gun shots sounded in the streets as looting began. The enemy beat on the Stams' own gate.

A faithful cook and maid at the mission station had stayed behind. The Stams knelt with them in prayer. But the invaders were pounding at the door. John opened it and spoke courteously to the four leaders who entered, asking them if they were hungry. Betty brought them tea and cakes. The courtesy meant nothing. They demanded all the money the Stams had, and John handed it over. As the men bound him, he pleaded for the safety of his wife and child. The Communists left Betty and baby Helen behind as they led John off to their headquarters.

Before long, they reappeared, demanding mother and child. The maid and cook pleaded to be allowed to accompany Betty. "No," barked the captors, and threatened to shoot. "It is better for you to stay here," Betty whispered. "If anything happens to us, look after the baby."

Betty was led to her husband's side. Little Helen needed some things and John was allowed to return home under guard to fetch them. But everything had been stolen. That night John was allowed to write a letter to mission authorities. "My wife, baby and myself are today in the hands of the Communists in the city of Tsingteh. Their demand is twenty thousand dollars for our release. . . . We were too late. The Lord bless and guide you. As for us, may God be glorified, whether by life or by death."

Later, an old woman whispered to Pastor Lo that there was a baby left behind. She nodded in the direction of the house where John and Betty had been chained their last night on earth. Pastor Lo hurried to the site and found room after room trashed by the bandits. Then he heard a muffled cry. Tucked by her mother in a little sleeping bag, Helen was warm and alive, although hungry after her two day fast.

The kindly pastor took the child in his arms and carried her to his wife. With the help of a local Christian family, he wrapped the bodies that still lay upon the hillside and placed them into coffins. To the crowd that gathered he explained that the missionaries had only come to tell them how they might find forgiveness of sin in Christ." (K. White)

Betty sacrificed much to serve her Lord as she gave her life to Him in full surrender. Her story greatly touched my life many years ago as I read what true consecration looks like. Her love for the Savior could cost her everything. Her possessions. Her safety. Her life. She didn’t care. All she knew was that Christ's love had found her and she would never be the same.

I think too of the woman and the alabaster box who gave her all out of her love for her Savior. A sinner now forgiven. She knew she wasn’t welcome, but she went in the home anyway. A transformation took place in her life just a few days earlier. Her face now radiant. She stepped into the room quietly as she seen Jesus from afar, never forgetting His voice and His unconditional love for her that made her want Him like no one she ever wanted. Her critics that were gathered in the room watched as she stood behind Jesus. Despite their judgmental hearts Jesus was waiting for her. In obedience and love, she fell on His feet with tears streaming down her face as she knew she was in the presence of the Messiah. Tears of hope and restoration....and in her love for Him she worshiped Him as she poured out that which cost her the most. Expensive perfume, anointing His feet with costly perfume, as her past was turned into the sweetest aroma, her repentance and sacrifice of giving Jesus her all. The understanding she had of how much she was loved and how she now wanted to love Him in return, giving Him her best...her all. Shouldn't this extraordinary love, that forgives us, was beaten for us, crucified for us, giving His life for us....shouldn't this move us to do the same, giving our all for Him?

May we take our alabaster box, filled with what is most costly to us, our lives, our self, our trinkets, our wills and stand behind the Savior and pour it out…emptying ourselves...washing His feet in humble worship with the perfume of our sacrifice to Him. To be filled in Him, to love Him with reckless abandonment … to be used of Him, to forgive those who wrong us, to love the unlovable, to serve those around us.

"When we consecrate ourselves to God, we think we are making a great sacrifice, and doing lots for Him, when really we are only letting go some little, bitsie trinkets we have been grabbing, and when our hands are empty, He fills them full of His treasures." (Betty Scott Stam)

May we rejoice with a thankful heart, because we too have heard the voice of our Savior saying....."Your faith has saved you.....go in peace.” (Luke 8:50)

Michelle A. Guerra


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