"There is no pit so deep, where God is not deeper yet” Corrie ten Boom
Deep in a concentration camp these truths were discovered by Corrie ten Boom, that God is deeper yet. Our family experienced the "deeper yet” truth of God in the midst of our our own prison as we learned on September 11, 2017 of Randy’s diagnosis. Leading up to this day, this day a year ago, Randy revealed to us of the unusual symptoms he was having as we met at church on a Wednesday night. We were also getting ready to leave for the Outer Banks, his favorite place of rest and refreshing which is our family tradition each September for many years as we loved the glorious weather and September skies with the sun always beaming with brilliance in the clear blue skies as it is this very morning. As this particular weekend was approaching he felt the Lord telling him to not to go feeling some concern as we sat and prayed for direction from the Lord.
Today as I woke with sleepy eyes and an anxious heart I took my Bible and coffee and made my way to the front porch, staring at the glorious blue September skies. With thoughts desiring to come in, with the Enemy wanting to eagerly come in like a flood, filling my mind, I knew once again that the Lord promises to raise up a standard against him and that my thinking needed to be realigned for the start of the day.....believing that Gods peace is promised when our minds our stayed on Him. I sat at His feet, “Lord, I come to be with you early in the day, before the noise and imaginations that want to fill my mind press in...I sit with You before entering into conversations with others. With coffee and my Bible in hand, praying to hear Your clear directions and Word in the worn torn leather cover which holds His Manual, which I hold in
my hands. Thank you Lord that I have access to this glorious treasure filled with riches and Your promises that surpass the riches of this world”
I turned my face to the Lord as my heart was heavy and is easily proned to drowning out sound judgement, so easily dimming heavens perspective as it wants to comprehend my many questions. As He comforted my heart, I then desperately wanted to hear Him through His Word, to be reminded of His steadfast love that steadies me, to read of His concern that carries me, His love that lifts me, His truth that transforms me... His Word is equal to His Presence. He led me to Psalm 51 “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness....You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the inward part You will make me to know wisdom. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow....MAKE ME HEAR JOY AND GLADNESS...renew a steadfast spirit within me...”
As soon as I read Psalm 51:7 “make me hear joy and gladness” I heard voices from a distance, the few men who came that morning to work on our home, singing acapela so loudly and joyfully as a choir sent from heaven as they worked, singing the words to a favorite children’s song “Yes, Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so...Yes, Jesus love me”! I was overwhelmed in what I was
hearing....of all mornings for God to orchestrate to send these men who were crying out in songs of praise for me to hear from a distance was such a picture of Gods unending grace.
How He desires for us to run to Him and to seek His face.... and how He is so faithful and so ready to keep
His promises...He hears like a shepherd who hears the cries of his sheep... like a loving and merciful father who who stoops down, hearing our every word and meeting us in such a personal way knowing exactly what we need.
I now look up once again at the beautiful skies that this day brings, being reminded that nothing is by chance nor small with our great God...reminded of the greatness of our Eternal King and the continual comfort He gives.
I stand to face the day knowing Jesus has me once again and there is truly "no pit so deep....where God is not deeper yet"
Thank you Lord!