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An Unknown the Hands of a Known God

"Thus far the LORD has helped us". 1 Samuel 7:12

Closing my eyes, I can still vividly remember last year, December 31, 2017 after walking 3 months with Randy through unchartered territory with the prognosis he was given in September 2017. As I sat looking back and praying for what was yet ahead this new year the LORD gave me a reminder of His beautiful promise in 1 Samuel 7:12 that I wrote in my journal, "Thus far the LORD has helped us".

As we entered into the New Year 2018 the words "thus far" reminded me that God had always been with us through each day of our lives together - through our trials, sickness, joys and triumphs through our many prayers, difficulties and thing was certain, "thus far He had helped".

We knew His promises could not fail us and that He would continue to help us along our journey that He had called us to walk. So uncertain about what our tomorrow's would bring, but we were certain that the LORD cares for us and as we would walk forward "to take possession of this new land that He cares...His eyes are on it continually...from beginning of the year to its end" Deuteronomy 11:11-12.

His eyes see this new land, filled with many unknowns and He has purposed these places we are to go. Where He is leading. Whether down through the deepest valleys or high upon the highest of hills. We cannot always see the unknown future but we can rest that it is held securely in the hands of our known God who does.

In this new year 2019 and in this new land of unknown certainties we can rest our confidence and faith entirely upon the Lord Jesus Christ, that no matter the situation or circumstance we come up against it will never change the glorious truth of our great Savior and that He brings about His glory through all He allows in our lives as He trusts us in using us to accomplish His will.

January 1, 2018 brought many unknowns for us, and many treatments were still we would travel each month to Duke and sit with anxious hearts hearing of MRI results, more needed medications, more Dr visits, more needed prayer....but how each day drove us to the Word of God and to His throne of grace where we found His mercy in our time of need. We could be confident that our trial was accomplishing much and we needed only to do our part and to trust. With each day, we were pressed more and more toward Christ - for who do we have BUT God? - a faith that God was asking of us that was without borders - a faith that could not see, only trust.... all that God allowed in each day was truly preparing us for the future that only God could see...He is the God of all our tomorrows.

Randy always lived his life one day at a time and he trusted believing each day and all of life was a gift from God. He believed that if each day was seen as a gift it would never be seen as a problem....but if our days were always seen as big problems they could never be seen as gifts. He lived the last 10 months of his life no different. Entering the New Year was not seen so much as a great projection for him of the question of "what would this year would bring?" - as much as the trust and obedience He believed most importantly was needed to live one day at a time and allow each day to ultimately bring Gods projection upon the year. He truly believed that if we project too much for tomorrow and the next big things to come we loose sight for what is in our day.

Last night in returning home from an evening spent with dear friends, it was late and very dark with minimal sight on the back country roads but at the same time it was very beautiful as many of the farm houses were lit with only candles shining dimly in each of their windows. In the darkest of the night, the light brought such beauty and I reminded my granddaughter of the beauty and stillness that such a small amount of light can bring to such darkness. With the roads winding and the fog very intense I had to turn on my high beams and again it was such a beautiful analogy of how God's light, in the midst of great darkness, is enough to shine the way along the path that we are meant to travel on.

As we talked about these illuminated lights that we needed as we drove in the dark and in the thickness of the fog, still not seeing what was very far in front of us, our sweet granddaughter then said with wisdom beyond her years, "we need these lights to see what is JUST in front of's like our lives...if we could see too clearly what is down the road we would not embrace but only miss what is right infront of us". How true this is...and how this was a reminder to me once again to not worry about what is ahead but to remember God gave me eyes to see what is only in front of me and that is where our work is to be done.

Even with loss and grief, as it causes me to reflect on the past and tries to make me anxious for tomorrow when I look too much into tomorrow….how I must not forget to embrace those right infront of me, where God's presence dwells and where His work lies for each of us to do....embracing those we can touch and love and minister to....and allow them to minister to us in our own times of need, like my granddaughter, and continue go where God is calling me to go. How important is to not allow our minds to wander - always wanting to see so far ahead of us, what is down the road, when our hearts fulfillment, contentment and peace is found in each of our days that we are living in, as He continues to prepare us all for what tomorrow will bring...not only in our lives but in the lives of those He brings into our lives.

These words Eva spoke were the words Randy lived and how he led each of us to live each day, trusting the unknown future in the hands of our known God. His humble and yet no-nonsense approach to Truth that has greatly shaped and influenced both my life and ministry and my personal relationship with God, along with all who knew him. His unwavering, straightforward, uncompromising approach and challenge to today's church was convicting and inspiring. His few but powerful words and exhortations to all those around him put all eyes on Jesus. His constant focus on Jesus Christ, and his reverence for His Word and His conviction to stand for the equipping of the body of Christ was always at the forefront of his mind as he always had a way to challenge believers to live out God's commands in each area of their life believing that the knowledge of the Word only puffed us up, it was living out God's Word that truly mattered and was the secret of living the Christian life abundantly in the gift of each day.

Randys greatest attacks over all his years in came against his body and health. He often shared of this and the many surgeries he had and how God was faithful and brought him through each one. I am often reminded of Hezekiah, as 15 years ago when he committed to serving the LORD through taking yet a greater step of faith and he was struck with an illness that almost took his life. He believed the LORD gave him 15 more years and lived each day to be found faithful to the end. We continued to pray for 15 more...and back in May he shared with a few of us the story of Hezekiah in a devotion he read that very day. It summed up Randys heart and his prayer and surrendered will -- "being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" Philippians 1:6. His hearts prayer was to not live wrong before the LORD. As a few of us gathered around him that day as we were praying and preparing to drive to Duke for a very important appointment regarding the results of the effect the medicines were having on the growth of his tumor, he shared how Hezekiah was restored to health for 15 more years...but also how Hezekiah dishonored God before he died. Randy shared through the devotion that "I would not want to live an extra 15 years in which to backslide or dishonor God. I would then, given the choice, rather go home now than to live on....Please Father, Your will be me to finish well".

As we enter into this next year may we remember to see each new day not as a problem but a gift...if our day is always a problem it will never be seen as a gift. As we receive it as a gift and open it up we are saying, "Lord, I am delighted to obey You in this day and in this matter. Instantly there will be a manifestation in our lives that will glorify Jesus.

Randy always said, "God has never failed me, Great is Thy faithfulness. All of life is lived only in the day. He said that through all of life God had never failed Him, not once. And through this path he was called to walk on, God was still going to be faithful, despite our desires or the outcome. It all was God. God was in control. God does not make mistakes".

Last January I wrote in my journal a quote George Mueller said, "God has never failed me, even in my greatest difficulties, heaviest trials and deepest poverty and need. He has never failed me- Because I was enabled by God's grace to trust Him, He always comes to my aid. I delight in speaking well of His Name." This has been our heart....and our heart to continue to speak well of the LORD our God.

As we all arrived home late last night, with the past year on our hearts along with the new year and all its new beginnings it was almost 12:00am. All of a sudden, in the quietness of the country and dark skies....we were captivated by an outburst of several fireworks instantly illuminating the sky and brightly shining in the darkness of the night all around us. A display as big and powerful as one seen on a 4th of July night. A miracle of sorts as we looked around as this great display in the night reminding us of Randy as he went home to be with the LORD almost 6 months to the day...on July 4th. We were reminded of God's goodness as God reminded us the great celebration there is in heaven for Randy and all who have received salvation through Jesus Christ our LORD. God's grace once again was showing Himself strong, meeting us in such a personal way.

"Let us also call out to one another through the darkness until the night becomes alive with sounds of many voices, encouraging Gods weary travelers. And may the echoes grow into a storm of hallelujahs that will break in thundering waves around His sapphire throne. Then as the morning dawns, we will find ourselves on the shore of the "sea of glass" {Revelation 4:6}, crying out with the redeemed hosts of heaven. "To Him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever" Revelation 5:13. For this is my song through the endless ages....Jesus led me all the way.

{L.B. Cowman}

Jesus led Randy. And Jesus will continue to lead us all. Praying for each of you as the LORD leads you to into new land this new He continues to guide your steps...believing that with Him it will be good and blessed as you receive each new day as a gift from Him. I pray what my husband prayed for himself, for his family and for many of you... "For the Lord will not forsake His people...fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all our heart; for consider what great things He has done for you" 1 Samuel 12:22-24. How we try to complicate such simple directions. As we embrace this scripture He will exchange the problems, the ordinary, the messes and transform it all into meaning and purpose.

He will not forsake us. The LORD is faithful; despite everything and anything we face. "Thus far, the LORD has helped us" 1 Samuel 7:12 and "He can be trusted to help us all our journey through"

As you journey into this next year, I leave you with this song that the LORD sent us through a faithful friend and sister in Christ before Randy's brain surgery last September and it was one of his favorite songs. I pray that whatever you are going through, you continue to hold on to the hope that only Jesus can give and as you listen to it that you will be reminded of the faithfulness of our God that "is known"....despite our future and all of its "unknowns". He is forever faithful.

I delight in speaking well of His Name -- Blessings to each of you for 2019!

Michelle A. Guerra


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