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A Sure Foundation

"Each should be careful how he builds for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ" 1 Corinthians 3:10-11

We fill our minds with worrisome thoughts, wrestling with God’s will for our day, for our future, for our lifetime. In life's difficulties, uncertainties, pain, sorrow, rejection there is needed direction. We think "What would God have me do and why doesn’t He make it clear"?

The needed direction which brings lasting fulfillment is found only on the "Sure Foundation" which bears all of life's burdens and gives us direction as we build upon Him. As brightly as the sun begins to break forth to a new day, the voice of the Lord responds to us through His infallible Word.

We try to complicate the simplicity of His Word but how God the Almighty Architect gives us His Word filled with His precious promises of certainty. How we often complicate this and struggle with how to fulfill our duties: “What does the LORD require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments”

(Deuteronomy 10:12-‐13).

Scriptures tell us of craftsmen fastening the work of their hands with pegs "that it might not totter" Isaiah 41:7. So too, Christ's hands were pegged by nails and fastened to the cross that we 'might not totter'...He became our Sure Foundation.

As the plans are drawn for a new home the next step a builder takes as he starts construction is laying it's foundation. The builder has to build on a firm foundation, concrete poured on good soil to ensure the stability of the home.

Just as our home needs a solid and firm foundation for stability we too need a solid and firm foundation for our lives, an unchanging faith and an unchanging belief based on an unchanging God and based on His unchanging Word.

No matter life's storms, life's deserts, or the answers we matter our age or lot in life or season we are in we have a spiritual foundation built by God and based on God's perfect will for our life.

Does your life seem as though it is tottering and stability this day is needed? Are our minds so filled and preoccupied with "what ifs" and "but if" and "only if" thoughts that rob our joy and deplete all peace, thoughts that are not of God? May we stop and capture those thoughts and think about the foundation on which we are building our life. Are we desiring to be instead 'craftsmen in the hands of God, fastening the work of our hands with pegs that our lives might not totter'?

D.L. Moody - "Give your life to Christ: He can do more with it than you can"

As brilliantly as the dawning of the day with the brilliance of the sun shining it's light through the darkness, the voice of the Lord responds to us through His infallible Word and our main responsibility is to place our life on the foundation found in Christ.

We try to complicate God’s simple instructions as our minds are so easily preoccupied going places they shouldn't....entertaining thoughts not from heaven...and having a day overwhelmed with things out of our control let's take the challenge found in 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 and 'be careful' in how we are building, how we are spending our day building our lives, our homes and our we are using the moments we are given to honor, bless, consider and find great peace in the blessed Savior .....obeying the call to love and serve Him, to walk in His ways. He exchanges the storms and transforms the challenging into meaning and purpose when we place our lives on the Sure Foundation...He alone will build our lives and truly do more with it than we could ever imagine.

Jesus is our Sure Foundation....Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

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Aug 22, 2018

Hey there Baby Sis!!! Praying continuously for you and the Family! Hope all is well with ur Mom...

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